Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Diving with SHARKS and CEBU CEBU CEBU!

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it but this weekend I'm going diving with sharks at the Busan aquarium. That is very exciting, I get to go do something new with friends AND go be a tourist in a new part of Korea.

Even more exciting? I booked a flight this morning to CEBU in the Philippines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend, S., sent out an email saying that she wants to go to the Philippines for her birthday weekend, found cheap tickets and were we (the female friend contingent) interested in going? This is EXACTLY what I need. I have been itching, desperate to get out of Korea for a few days. Two days sunning myself on an exotic beach and eating exotic food is exactly what I want to do. I had considered going to Tokyo but the idea pales in comparison next to a weekend on the beach with my friends.

I could have gotten my eyes lasered in April but I elected to go to the Philippines instead. So shoot me. I'm practical most of the time. My eyes can wait, vacation cannot. Well, vacation Could wait, but not if I want to turn into an evil, child hating Grinch it can't.


Nancy K said...

Very cool Alex. How long are you going to be in the Philipines?

Unknown said...

Can't wait for pictures of the trip. Are/Were you thinking of getting your eyes lasered over there?

Josh said...

Don't get eaten by the sharks kiddo, and ENJOY the beach! I don't know how i feel about the whole lasering of the eyes though....

Alex said...

Philippines: One weekend, leave Seoul at 8 Friday night and arrive back Monday morning at 6am (red eye baby yeah!).

Jess-I was going to get my eyes lasered here as you can do it at a world class facility for about 400,000 won ($300bucks). However, the cost of getting my eyes lasered is about the cost of the plane ticket and I'd much rather go party on the beach in my contacts.

Josh-Lasering your eyes is PERFECTLY safe. Especially at a world class facility, like the ones that are available in Korea. Korea is one of the top medical tourist destinations for cheap, high quality procedures. Also, I'd save SO much money even after a year and a half because I wouldn't be paying for so many eye exams, glasses, and contacts. So there. *sticks out tongue like a good little sister*

Josh said...

Fine, fine...... "good" little sister???? not entirely sure about that one *wink-wink*