Monday, April 20, 2009

Testing, 1, 2, 3, Testing

HA. Blogger doesn't hate me, it just hates Mozilla. This is a pineapple stick stand at Seoul Grand Park which I naively thought might be fun to sit and read in. Seoul Grand Park is a zoo. Why don't they call it Seoul Grand Zoo? I didn't feel like going to the zoo but I did enjoy walking down the main strip before the entrance and eating my favorite cheap Korean street foods. A yummy stick of pineapple is 1,000won (about 60 cents people). Awesome.


Nancy K said...

Great picture Alex. I wonder if part of your problem is that your new camera is 10 megapixels and has a large file.

Josh said...

me want pineapple stick too!

Alex said...

Mom-No it wouldn't even open up the silly window i needed to upload the picks without freezing, let alone click a picture to upload.

Josh-YES YOU DO. They are very tasty.

Rachel said...

We love pineapple especially grilled, or in smoothies (think the stand at Disney World), or just on a stick to eat. Yum Yum.

Anonymous said...

Pineapple on stick is so underrated!!