For the past two weeks, my school has been doing open classes in the afternoon so that parents can see what they are paying for, etc. Only one class per afternoon because they have some sort of meeting before and after with the director and the supervisor. It's actually not too stressful, the parents sit come in after 5 minutes (homework checking/writing time) and observe for ten minutes. Today's was the only one I was a bit worried about. Every mother showed up, plus I had the director and the supervisor sitting in instead of one or the other (it's the lowest level class, the brand new kids so the first time their parents really get to see their kids in action). I did what I always did when I'm nervous about school things, I wear a tried and true outfit and micro-plan my lesson to deal with any sort of thing that might come up. It went well though one girl was so nervous she couldn't remember if she wore sandals or shoes that day and had to go out in the hall to the shoe rack and check. (We are practicing 's' words.) The parents all got a kick out of it though.
Open classes all make me feel hopelessly young. It didn't help that my eyes have been bothering me (Dear Self, Please remember to change contacts PROMPTLY every 2 weeks. Love, Your Eyes) so I had to wear my glasses. My glasses are cute but make me look like I'm about 18. In Korea, people are frequently surprised that I'm a teacher and not a student. Salsa Boy tells me that I will love this when I'm in my 30s and taken for someone in my 20s but when I'm on display with parents I just want to feel professional. The slippers don't help. I like not wearing shoes inside but I always feel too casual with my feet in slippers. At least the parents were in their socks.
Tonight will be an early night since I have to get up at 5 in order to meet the USO tour group at 7 in Seoul. DMZ, here I come!
I am sure that you looked fabulous! Yes, you will be happy in 20 years that you look so young now. When I was 21 I was carded for a NC-17 movie. Makeup helps and professional clothing. Trust me I like it when people tell me I don't look my age.
Have a good time.
Heeee, I know you like those comments! NC-17 eh? What movie was that??
Yes, do tell maternal unit! (and stop whining about being too pretty kiddo)
We miss you here in the states!!!
I can't wait for the DMZ as well. I think I'll flick off a North Korean guard just to see if they'll declare war on me.
Someone told me recently that I should take time for myself each day. And, when you have a new blog entry, I take time to savor your comments, laugh at your adventures and worry about your safety (be careful in the DMZ). So, thank you for your writings. By the way, I have won lots of prizes at the guess your age booth at theme parks and fairs. No one even comes close! Another benefit of looking younger than your age. Take care....
Awww Aunt Rachel! I'm glad you are enjoying my blog. Also, winning prizes could definitely be fun.
Josh, I am not complaining about being too pretty! I was whining about being taken for 18 years old. :-p.
I'm sure you look great. I always get taken for being older than I really am.
Aww thanks.
Alex- For someone who has "great looks", looking younger is not a great feat when you will be in your 30's ( oh you'll be so ancient then!). When Mom told her business associates she was retiring (at age 62), they all told her that "you can't retire at 45"! Stop worrying about looking young, worry is for theose who look older than they are
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