Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Teacher Without a Voice

My vocal chords have been bugging me all week but Friday was awful. I was super grateful that I'd made up a worksheet for Friday's lesson that involved very little talking on my part and lots of writing and coloring for the kids. I didn't go out at all Friday or Saturday because the idea of talking socially and smoky bars/clubs was too much. Saturday morning the pain in my throat actually woke me up. Today I didn't talk at all, mainly because I can't speak above a whisper and even then it hurts. Finally, around 8:30pm I had Salsa Boy call my supervisor and let her know that I was taking my sick day to go to the doctor and get my throat checked out. She wants me to call after the appointment to see how it goes but I told her I'd have to have the doctor speak to her since obviously, I can't talk.

Ugh. I feel guilty taking time off from work (even though I am guaranteed 3 sick days in my contract and I haven't used one yet) because I know it just means that all of the other teachers will have to take up my teaching load. However, what else am I supposed to do? Mime the kids into discipline? Forget it. I know the doctor probably can't do much for me but I'd settle for some prescription throat medicine. I'd rather be teaching than at the doctors, that's for sure. Thus instead of the usual Sunday post, full of the weekend's adventures you get this, sick Alex reporting on her throat. Very interesting, I know.


Josh said...

Feel better little one! sorry china's #1 export bothers you so much... :(

Rachel said...

Hope you feel better soon. What amazes me is just the 3 days of sick leave (and so far despite everything you haven't used one). People in the US complain with some getting "only" one day of sick leave a month. Be well--hope everything went OK at the doctor's.

Alex said...

The foreign teachers get sick leave, the Koreans do not. They do get maternity leave though.

Nancy K said...

Feel better sweetie.