Monday, March 1, 2010

The First Day

I love my job, I really do. Sometimes, however, it seems like administrations in Korea make it purposely hard for you to do a good job. I'm not just talking about public schools either.

Today is the first day of the new year. Things you think a teacher might need to know:
-Who the co-teacher is
-Student/class lists
-Where they key to your classroom is
-When you actually start teaching

I didn't/don't have any of those. Why am I blogging when I should be teaching you ask? Because apparently I don't have any classes today. When do I start? I have no idea. I did manage to secure the key to my classroom though. Score one for me.

I am taking deep breaths. I am drinking my tea. I will be zen about this. I will not stress out.

...I will seriously attempt to not stress out.


Anonymous said...

QUICK! Dad, talk to her about doors while I get my star chart out... We've reached Alex Panic Attack Level Orange!

Alex said...

SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am no where near level orange. Maybe blue. Perhaps yellow.

Mr. Awesomecool said...

Just expect to know everything 5 minutes before, or after your classes start.

Alex said...

Ugh. I KNOW. This is my 2nd year in Korea but it still stresses me out. It's one thing the rest of the time but the first day of a new year?! How are schools in America able to give the whole, exact schedule for the ENTIRE year before the new one starts? I never thought I'd appreciate American public schools so much...

SuperFantabulous said...

I am in the exact same situation. I have no idea what's going on.

Alex said...

SO Frustrating. No one has told me a thing. I don't even have a co-teacher yet. I have no idea what day I start classes. GRRRR.Why do they bother making me come to school if I'm not teaching?

Kyle Crum said...

I actually think it's worse when I'm given a plan because then I'm let down when the plan is then ignored and changed at the last minute.