Saturday, February 14, 2009

Being Female

For men who hate hearing about 'woman' troubles, just skip this entry.

I have my period. In the states, that really isn't a cause for complaint. I might pop a few Advil the first day and make sure I have plenty of chocolate but other than that, it's life. For whatever reason, Korea turns my body into a war against me for a week. I feel like utter crap, get cramps that are often debilitating and no amount of coffee can combat the fatigue. I literally couldn't get out of bed this morning. I cancelled my privates by saying I was violently ill and couldn't come in. [Yes, I mixed up the dates, my graduation crap starts next weekend.] I think violently ill implies that you are vomiting or something but just because I was vomiting doesn't make it any better. I woke up briefly at 1pm to talk to a friend on the phone who called and then went back to sleep until 5. Yes, 5pm. Went out briefly with friends but had to come home because the feeling like utter crap took over again.

Hopefully, I will feel better tomorrow so I can stock up on books before going out to the movies with the ladies. Benjamin Button! Other than that, my weekend is destined to be unexciting what with the massive feeling like crap. Oh well.

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