I actually went Salsa dancing! The club played a mixture of merengue and salsa and it turns out that merengue is much easier. I picked up the step in no time and and had a blast being twirled around. Salsa is another story. The step is more complicated so I had to expend a lot of energy thinking about what my feet were doing instead of just enjoying myself. I'm addicted to merengue. I would like to practice salsa a little more before going out again, at least the step so I don't have to think about it quite so much. The club had an interesting mix of Latino army boys, Koreans (who had obviously taken the classes), and random Itaewon foreigners. It was nice being in the minority as an American teacher I suppose. My only complaint: the amazing merengue and salsa music was interspersed with some truly bad hip hop. Hip hop clubs and bars are a dime a dozen, especially in Itaewon. If you are the Salsa club of Itaewon, stick with your branding. Most of the people left the dance floor for these numbers. Don't get me wrong, I love hip hop clubs for dancing but it wasn't what I was there for.
Tonight was supposed to be Benjamin Button but my friend got the dates wrong and it actually comes out next weekend. This is probably a fortunate occurrence as I'm sick, yet again and would have annoyed the rest of the movie patrons by coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose throughout the movie. You know how in movies they have those sterile rooms and people have to be hosed down before and after the room? I want one of those at the entrance to my classroom. Also, face masks should be mandatory for all of the kids. Mandatory I tell you.
While walking home from the store today, one of the people who works at the sam gip sal restaurant I'm always going to said hello and asked me where I was going in Korean and I UNDERSTOOD. It was exciting. I was even able to say 'home!' My ghetto Korean is blossoming. I do feel slightly gratified that at least I know the alphabet. There are plenty of foreigners here who don't. This week: Valentine's day. It's actually a kind of fun holiday though I dread the sugar highs from all of the candy on Friday. Also, the red and pink is a bit nauseating. But other than that, fun!
Sounds like fun, except for being sick, again. The coat, though technically we're talking jacket here, is lovely. Enjoy.
Cute Jacket! I like it. I have got to show you pictures of my new raincoat and the leather jacket I got on my birthday. Also, I recommend taking airborne if you can find it. I started using it once a day when Rob got a really bad cold and *knock on wood* haven't gotten the cold at all. Feel Better~
*laughs* Airbourne in Korea? Not so much. I do take a lot of vitamin C though.
YAY!!! you finally spent some money on yourself! (oh, and i like the jacket)...... how much vit c are you taking?? 4000mg when sick is ideal
OH, and Merengue is SOOOOO much easier than Salsa
Thanks for the compliment Josh! You are right, I really haven't spent money on myself in Korea, aside from that one trip to Indonesia. Merengue is SO MUCH FUN! I forgot that you and Sarah took lots of dance classes. Awesomeness. I wonder if there is a good dance thingy in Roanoke somewhere.
The answer to the 'good dance thingy' question requires a verbal recounting....... in short the answer is not so much..... unless one has gobs 'o spare cash..... Remind me to tell you the whole story next time we speak
Oh, and you're welcome
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