Thursday, September 24, 2009

On the Road

My Dad and I probably had the most uneventful drive down from NY to Roanoke. Aside from the fact that my Dad somehow managed to make his car stereo eat the audio book CD I got out from the library. So instead of listening to novels the whole way down we listened to my ipod which I had not prepared with neutral play lists of parent friendly music. Dad is pretty good about listening to whatever I want but he doesn’t like underground hip hop, really strange indie rock or anything that is the slightest bit hard in the rock department. He finally had me make up a play list of a mix of classic rock, the Beatles and some jazz (when it was my turn to nap). Not my favorite driving music but it’s better than trying to get decent radio on I81 heading south. Unless you really like listening to proselytizing stuff about Jesus, in which case you are all set.

Unfortunately we made such good time that my brother isn’t out of work yet! Thus we are camping out in Starbucks and drinking coffee. I’m actually drafting this blog entry in Word since Starbucks in this country DOESN’T OFFER FREE WIFI!!!!!!!!!! Evil. There just isn’t any high end coffee competition over here. In Korea, TomToms, Angel in Us, Lohas, etc etc all make lattes (though none offer soy milk, thus my undying devotion to Starbucks Korea) so they need something to keep their edge I suppose.

After our lovely reunion my brother’s company has something called the ‘dork Olympics’ though I’m not sure if that’s my brother’s nick name for it or the official company title. It’s a combination of athletic prowess and mental athletics.

…At the moment there is a lady harassing the staff about the CIA and communications and different laws. Not to stereotype but she seems to be acting like she has classic paranoid schizophrenia if the real thing is anything like those doctor shows on television. Then again, I’ve never seen real life schizophrenia that I’m aware of so what do I know.

Back to the Olympics, my brother plans on using his pretty sister to distract the other teams and thus more easily assure his victory! The prize is free ice cream which of course as a lactose intolerant person I am so looking forward to that. Oh well, he did stock up on my lactose free milk and such for me at the house so I can’t be put out by dairy discrimination. What if there was a vegan who worked for their company? What then?!

This is terribly rambling because I am bored and don’t feel like reading or writing by hand in my journal.


Rachel S said...

Well, I can't wait to share my stories with you about driving your grandmother up to Roanoke to see you. Fortunately I have XM Radio, and she will probably sleep quite a bit. What about some Lactose Free Lactaid Ice Cream?

Rachel S said...

On another note, all of your posting times are still in Korean time. It is 11 hours off from when I actually posted my comment.

Alex said...

Yeah, my computer and thus my blog is still on Korean time. I fixed it but my computer went back to Korean time as soon as I rebooted. I gave up, I really don't care enough to try and fix it. :-p

Anonymous said...

Dondd't you carry LACAIOD pills with youso you can enjoy the "real" stuff like Emuna does? ( There very cheap at Costco)

Alex said...

They don't work for me.