Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Camp: Student Movies...and a SPAZ UPDATE

The second week of summer camp went by almost flawlessly. It was partially because we touched up the lesson plans from week one but mostly because there were only 15 students instead of 25. On the summer camp evaluations almost every student commented about how much they loved making a real movie. For a group of fairly low level students, they really did a pretty good job writing scripts and stage directions in English. The day we devoted to script writing, one of the 5th grade teachers helped us out-- so for 4 groups of students there were 3 English speakers there to bombard with questions. Not to mention the stack of dictionaries.  Each week, the most popular phrase used (with no prompt or spelling help from the teachers) was 'OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!' There were always ghosts, monsters, vampires, and aliens. This is what students are interested in, why on earth don't the state English textbooks have stuff that 10-13 year olds actually care about? Below are some of my favorite videos from week two. The sound on the first week's videos is a little wonky. ...Also, I don't feel like waiting for ten videos to upload.

This is called Vampire. The line you can't hear when the boys are around the corner is "Run you fool! She will eat you!"

My Sister Was Kidnapped was cute. They only had 3 people in their group but they wrote in a 4th character (the police officer) and begged my co-teacher to do the part. Of course she obliged!

One of my favorite videos won't load! It's about these vampires that fiend for coffee instead of blood and beat up on humans to get them to buy them coffee and such. Obviously, students after my own heart...errr minus the violence.

Ridiculous spaz update: While chewing an innocent bite of rice at lunch, I bit the side of my tongue so hard that my entire mouth got bloody. I am now sipping coffee that tastes like it's been flavored with blood. The student movies have abducted my subconscious!


Nancy K said...

So cute. They look like they had great fun.

Alex said...

They totally did! :)

Unknown said...

Every one looks like they are really into what they are acting out. I can tell that they have learned their lines and the blocking on the scenes

Alex said...

Thanks! They really worked hard on those scenes!

Josh said...

wow..... even I've never drawn blood eating rice.... i think... ;)

Alex said...

What can I say? I'm talented like that.

Anonymous said...

That's some fine work there. Have your agents call my agents. Especially with that My Sister Was Kidnapped bit, I smell sequel!!!

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